Cool Personified

I have not gotten better at introduction sentences during my transition into NCCU. But I have gotten better at playing saxophone (and segues) opening me up to many more playing opportunities. I am going to use this blog post to tell one of my performance stories and compare it to one of my offstage stories.

During NCCU’s homecoming I was asked to play with the Vocal Jazz Ensemble in the Chancellor’s dining hall (which is fancier than Iggy Azalea). During this performance I did not have a chair and was confined to a smaller space than usual, so I took most of my solos leaning against a counter. Most of the songs went pretty well and the crowd liked it (which is all you can really ask for.) So after this performance we were required to unload and a man recognizes me from ten minutes prior (who looks very similar to Dizzy Gillespie) saying “You sir, are Cool Personified!” (Trademark, it’s mine and you can’t have it). He went on to explain that my demeanor during my solo was relaxed and akin to having a conversation. I told him I appreciated it, while my inner nerd pushed up his glasses and laughed nervously. This made me think to myself, what if I really am cool in the deepest part of my being? Which leads me into my next story.
About a week after this event I realized I had a paper due that I need to get like three more sources for. I thought to myself “Bet” (my new word, you can borrow this, I’m test driving it right now). After this realization, I decided to go to the library…right after I listened to Partynextdoor. Of course as a jazz musician I couldn’t let my day be fully influenced by non-jazz music (I’m a Nardis), so I turned on You don’t know what love is by Sonny Rollins a song that I am currently trying to learn because I love ballads.

After getting a ways through it, I thought I don’t know the lyrics!! How can I play a song I don’t know the lyrics to, which lead me to Karrin Allyson’s version. Then my friend called and asked if I had ate, and since I hadn’t we went to the café, and decided, we look kind of scruffy, I think we might need a shave (No Sweeny Todd). Needless to say, I spent a large portion of my day just procrastinating and listening to great music (including Mos Def, Joe Lovano, Illinois Jacquet and many more). By the time I actually decided to go to the library it was about 8 o’clock. I suited up for the weather, preparing for a battle already in the opponent’s favor. During the walk I saw very few people in the library which made my brain happy because I wouldn’t need to walk past people seventy three times. Come to find out, I wouldn’t even walk past them once. The library was closed. The library is open on Wednesdays. The library is contributing to my procrastination, but this time I was prepared for work. And it was so cold. Ohhhh so cold. I walked back to my dorm where I saw some of my RA’s and one of the said “Hey Shaquim!” and I waved like a cool guy while sipping water, like a cool guy, and then I choked on the water…in front of my four RA’s…like a cool guy? I sat in my room for a while and contemplated my coolness (or lack thereof). Then I laughed and wrote this post.

On a semirelated note, do you know the only time you will really see a blind snake (no pun intended)? When you are supposed to be editing your essay that is due on Tuesday. I’ll give you the link just in case you are there too. Have a beautiful day and thank you for reading!!!

2 thoughts on “Cool Personified

  1. This an your previous post was great. I am replying to both here. I could see everything you were saying and I laughed out loud several times. I too have a problem with procastranation. When I was in school I realized that Google is evil and out to sabotage my efforts. Every time I opened Google to start researching my paper I felt a certain excitement at seeing the search bar and the next thing I knew I was shopping online, seeking the best bargains, looking up stuff and doing everything but researching my paper. So I decided to use Yahoo. Well Yahoo has all the great headline news so that was no help. Bing inspired me to check my facebook page. I think they have subliminal messages embedded in the Internet to make you waste time online. Yeah I like that excuse…
    I did learn that I was most productive when under the gun and that’s not really cool. I have gray hair to prove it. I have a stop procrastination sleep learning tape. I think it worked because my last semester I stopped burning the midnight oil as much trying to beat a deadline. You are welcome to get a copy if you like.
    Welp I have to get back to work…3 more hours and holiday vacation is upon me. YES!!!!
    PS You know Dionte thought he had the name cool guy on lockdown, right?…Its a family thang….we are all cool LOL . Enjoy your holiday cuz!!

    • Lol I go to Google after at least 20 minutes of seeing what everyone I went to school with is doing now. Same here, but I always think about how much better it could be if I actually tried. Lol I kind of imagined, he is definitely cooler than me xp, have a nice day!

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